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Chabad of Westlake invites you to our outdoor High Holiday Services with ample shade, masks, distanced seating and security. Whether you join us for the entire service or just to hear the shofar, we hope you celebrate the New Year in a meaningful and inspired manner.


The following is the schedule of services as well as our three 15-minute Shofar Blowing Ceremonies. To reserve a seat with your name on it or to attend one of our free Shofar blowing ceremonies please click here




Shabbos and Sunday, Sept. 19 & 20 - 8:45am - Morning Service


10:15am - Torah Service


10:45-11:00am - SHOFAR BLOWING (Sunday Only)


11:00am - Musaf Service


2:00-2:15pm - Tashlich and SHOFAR BLOWING at corner of Westlake Blvd and Evenstar (Sunday only)


5:30pm - SHOFAR BLOWING at Triunfo Park 




Sunday, Sept. 27

6:15pm - KOL NIDREI

Monday, Sept. 28

8:45am - Morning Service


10:30am - Torah Service




11:30am - Musaf Service


5:15pm - Mincha Service


6:00pm - Neilah service


7:20pm - Fast Ends

Chabad of Westlake Village • 2524 Townsgate Road Suite H • Westlake Village, CA 91361 • 805-374-8666

Site by Lamp Media

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